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Coronavirus Response

COVID-19 at School

As we become aware of positive COVID-19 case(s) and affected individual(s), Sault Area Public Schools will notify the school community through this area of the website. The Chippewa County Health Department (CCHD) will conduct contact tracing to determine close contacts. Those identified as close contacts will be contacted directly by the Chippewa County Health Department and receive instructions on what to do next.

In accordance with HIPAA and FERPA laws, health information is private and we will not provide specifics about the cases.

We ask that all students and staff fully cooperate with CCHD which will prevent further spread of the disease in our community. If you are contacted by the CCHD and placed under quarantine or isolation for a COVID-19 infection, please let the district know and present the letter that was given to you by the health department.

Please remember to practice the 3 Ws

  • Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth
  • Watch your distance
  • Wash your hands with soap and water frequently for at least 20 seconds

Reported under Emergency Order Under MCL 333.2253 - Reporting of Confirmed and Probable Cases of COVID-19 at Schools (Effective October 12, 2020)

Best Practices

We recommend taking action to help limit the spread of COVID-19, even if staff members or students are not experiencing symptoms:

  • Wear a mask (covering mouth and nose) while in public places or if people who do not live with you must visit your home.
  • Practice social distancing (maintaining a distance of 6 feet apart).
  • Practice frequent handwashing (using soap for 20 seconds or hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol).
  • Follow capacity restrictions of social gatherings.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or with the inside of your elbow and immediately wash your hands.
  • Stay at home if you are sick; you can also get tested.
  • Answer the phone if the health department contacts you, as a contact tracer may be trying to reach you with important information.

The latest information is available at